Zach Garrison, EI
Engineering Support (Charlotte Office)
Professional/Personal Mantra or Motto
Nothing worth having is easy.
In my profession, I am most fulfilled when…
I go home after completing a project knowing I gave it 100%.
Who is someone you admire and why?
I really admire my dad; he taught me most of what I know and instilled the core values I practice today.
When I'm not working, I enjoy…
going to the gym, playing golf, and kayaking.
Where did you receive your education?
I received my education from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
What is one thing (behavior, habit, etc.) that drives you nuts?
One habit that drives me nuts is when people chew with their mouths open.
I'm known around the office for…
always eating a snack.
What is your Spirit Animal?
My spirit animal would be an eagle because they soar high.